Art of Tai Chi Blog | Energy Flow

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How Long Does It Take To Get Results From Tai Chi

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From Tai Chi For some, Tai Chi is recognized as an exercise similar to calisthenics. For others, it is recognized as a martial art used for self-defense. Still others call it a form of art. That's because it can be done theatrically with music, and...

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The Possibility Of No Pain

The Possibility Of No Pain Your body is the best place to start learning to live in the present and to sense and move with the flow of the cosmos.  Your body's responsiveness to awareness is the key to transformative learning and change. When your body responds...

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How To Use The Mind To Move Your Chi

How To Use The Mind To Move Your Chi How do you get your Chi flowing?The basic instruction for you to influence your Chi from within is to use your mind to move the Chi.You've heard it many times in the Tai Chi Classics, “Move your Chi with your mind.”What does that really...

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Are You Having Trouble Feeling Your Chi?

Are You Having Trouble Feeling Your Chi? There are three ways you can experience Chi when you do Tai Chi long enough. Your hands and fingers become warm and swollen. Tai Chi practice increases blood flow to your hands and fingers. This is a sure sign that your Chi is flowing. You...

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How To Move Like A Great River

How To Move Like A Great River Tai Chi practice involves drawing images from nature. One image of nature that humans love to observe is water. Water that flows down from a waterfall. Water that crashes with the ocean waves. Water that runs downstream in a river. The Tai...

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Free And Facilitate Your Flow with Tai Chi

Free And Facilitate Your Flow with Tai Chi Tai Chi leads to better posture. Carry yourself consciously in a more upright posture all day. Improved posture, frees and facilitates your Chi flow. This leads to good health and better posture which reduces tension on your joints and...

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The Physical Approach Comes First in Tai Chi

The Physical Approach Comes First in Tai Chi Your body is the container through which your energy flows. It makes sense that you start with the physical approach to your health, longevity, and optimum performance through Tai Chi exercise. Each time you practice Tai Chi, you go into...

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Take Breaks, Be Productive With Tai Chi

Take Breaks, Be Productive With Tai Chi

We have all been obsessed with productivity. I can't tell you how many online courses and master classes I've come across in the last several years teaching people how to be more productive. We live in a digital age, where staying on task...

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The Heart Massage Of Tai Chi

The Heart Massage Of Tai Chi Tai Chi's gentle movements have shown that they are effective in lowering your blood pressure. It's just as effective as higher-intensity activities such as aerobic exercise.  High blood pressure can damage your body in many ways. When you...

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Tai Chi For Healers

Tai Chi For Healers If you are in the caring profession, then you know work can be draining and you can become progressively less effective at work. As a result, doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers need to learn how to renew their energy...

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Building Your Energy From the Center In Tai Chi

Building Your Energy From the Center In Tai Chi Tai Chi is a practice or a way for you to store and build your energy. Think of a time when you may have felt low on energy, felt weak, sick, or maybe depressed. To combat this, you need to find a way to have more energy because when you...

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Tai Chi’s Twists And Turns

Tai Chi’s Twists And Turns When you think of exercise, you think of it as a commitment. There's a lot involved, such as setting a time for it, eating around it, and being properly dressed for it. There are minimum requirements for doing exercise. You have to buy the...

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Put Your Chi In Motion

Put Your Chi In Motion Controlled breathing, regulated breathing, breathwork, or any type of breathing exercise produces Chi or life force in your body. Chi can then be accumulated in the lower belly. It can also be gathered in other centers of your body, such...

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Forget The Past, Find Your Future

Forget The Past, Find Your Future Are you always thinking about the past? Do you replay events over and over in your head? Do you carry negative emotions from your past and carry them into the present only to find out that you're not living the life you want to live? This...

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The Natural Approach To Moving Meditation

The Natural Approach To Moving Meditation The classic method of meditation is practiced in a sitting position. However, it is possible to meditate while you're standing or moving.  There's a method of meditating in a standing position, in which the movements of your body are...

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External Or Internal Exercise

External Or Internal Exercise There are conditions inside your body, which threaten your health and prevent you from having a long life. These conditions are internal injuries and can be just as serious as external injuries, like a broken bone.  These inner...

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How to Bring Your Body Into Balance

How to Bring Your Body Into Balance What Happens To Your Body When You Are Stressed? Some doctors believe that stress is the cause of at least 95% of all illnesses and diseases. With that kind of percentage, you might as well consider stress an illness unto itself,...

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Good Lung Exercise

Good Lung Exercise Can Emotions Cause Disease? Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the principle that mental and physical well-being are both intricately interwoven. Your emotions and physical health are intimately linked. The current emotional...

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The Best Place To Do Tai Chi

The Best Place To Do Tai Chi The Powerful Health Benefits Of Spending Time Outside While doing Tai Chi Do you want to take a break from the rush of your daily life? Tired of spending too much time indoors? Most of us take a walk outside simply because it is good for...

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Tai Chi Meditations

Tai Chi Meditations By Observing Silence, You Can Hear Your Thoughts In stillness, you make the energy of your body healthy. You make yourself strong mentally. You become open to the moment and to more possibilities when you open your energy channels. Your...

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Raising Your Vibration, Removing Your Blockages

Raising Your Vibration, Removing Your Blockages

These emotions can range from mild to really extreme, but they all fall under one category… And the category is ‘energy blocks.’ Energy blocks are often associated with your emotions. They stem from not knowing what is happening to you, because you’re not honest about your emotions and where they really come from.

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Grow Significantly In Stillness

Grow Significantly In Stillness

A Way To Attain Inner Satisfaction And Live In Harmony.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to tune out your surroundings and have access to your full capabilities at any time, in any place, despite any, and every difficulty?

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How Do You Feel Chi?

How Do You Feel Chi?

Remember a time when you were always healthy, extremely energetic, a time when you had good endurance? When you ran around a lot and didn’t feel tired all the time? When you had good digestion, when you were able to eat…

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How You Can Avoid Energy Loss

How You Can Avoid Energy Loss

You and your body can accommodate an influx of additional energy over time, more energy than you can consume. When this happens, your body can transform itself into a vehicle that is unconditioned by space and time.

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How Does Energy Flow?

How Does Energy Flow?

Chi provides the energy needed to support your body function. It supports your body temperature, maintains structure and strength in your organs and keeps metabolism constant. If your chi does not flow, then there’s a blockage in your body. This blockage is another term for stagnation.

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Your Container For Tai Chi

Your Container For Tai Chi

If you just go through the motions without feeling your hands, then Tai Chi would not be beneficial to you. It’s more important to learn to feel than it is to learn where your hands go. And to do that, you must learn to let go.

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The Real Lesson From The Tortoise And The Hare

The Real Lesson From The Tortoise And The Hare

Mind and body coordination is important to have if we want to perform efficiently. This coordination ensures that we waste no energy. Therefore, when we do things slowly we are able to maintain our energy levels throughout the course of the day.

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