Art of Tai Chi Blog | Healing From Pain

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From Tai Chi

How Long Does It Take To Get Results From Tai Chi For some, Tai Chi is recognized as an exercise similar to calisthenics. For others, it is recognized as a martial art used for self-defense. Still others call it a form of art. That's because it can be done theatrically with music, and...

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The Possibility Of No Pain

The Possibility Of No Pain Your body is the best place to start learning to live in the present and to sense and move with the flow of the cosmos.  Your body's responsiveness to awareness is the key to transformative learning and change. When your body responds...

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Relax To Help You Stretch

Relax To Help You Stretch Tai Chi is a health system that has stood the test of time for some decades now. It has emerged into the mainstream as a beneficial health exercise. Tai Chi emphasizes the use of the mind and its partnership with the physical body to...

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Avoid Anger and Liver Fire

Avoid Anger and Liver Fire

Anger keeps us stuck in many ways. If it is not addressed quickly, and if it is not expressed in a healthy way, then your body can be harmed by holding in anger.

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Transform Your Trauma With Tai Chi

Transform Your Trauma With Tai Chi Your body is powerful. It records everything good and bad in your life. Your body records all your traumas, big or small, every stress and strain of your life. It records your illnesses, injuries, and your emotional attitudes. It also...

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How You Can Tend To Your Broken Spirit

How You Can Tend To Your Broken Spirit

Yin-Yang is about working together, complementing each other, emphasizing one thing for the greater good, and enhancing each other. This is coherence and balance in life. There’s no more “us versus them” mentality, and your SPIRIT can be intact.

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How To Determine You Have Blockages In Your Body

How To Determine You Have Blockages In Your Body

When your energy is clear and free-flowing throughout your body, then you’re in perfectly good health. When your energy is not free-flowing throughout the body, then there are blockages that may be in the way to prevent your internal organs from receiving the nourishment they need to perform.

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How Tai Chi Reduces Stress

How Tai Chi Reduces Stress

Tai Chi helps you to become aware of your breath and brings you to an inner journey inside the body, away from any external conditions that you may be facing. Breath awareness is a key element to your health and wellbeing.

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How Does Tai Chi Help You Sleep

How Does Tai Chi Help You Sleep

Bodily energy is divided into two types. One is yin energy, which is calm and sedated in nature. The other is yang energy, which is stimulative and tonic in nature. Both have to be in balance for you to have a good night’s sleep.

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