Tiny shifts of awareness alter the course of your life. It alters the state of your health and it alters the state of your happiness, both physically and emotionally.
Art of Tai Chi Blog | Breathing Exercises
Put Your Chi In Motion
https://youtu.be/fsrJLRhUkro Controlled breathing, regulated breathing, breathwork, or any type of breathing exercise produces Chi or life force in your body. Chi can then be accumulated in the lower belly. It can also be gathered in other centers of your body, such...
External Or Internal Exercise
https://youtu.be/t74h3TVR3Yk There are conditions inside your body, which threaten your health and prevent you from having a long life. These conditions are internal injuries and can be just as serious as external injuries, like a broken bone. These inner...
Live Fast, Die, Young – Slow Your Life Down with Tai Chi
https://youtu.be/cAGk1igV0l8 How Many Heartbeats Do You Have In A Lifetime? You may have heard of the theory that you and I have an allotted number of heartbeats in our lifetime. If this is the case, you may be wondering: Does exercise, which elevates your heart rate,...
How to Bring Your Body Into Balance
https://youtu.be/nknIafMwViQ What Happens To Your Body When You Are Stressed? Some doctors believe that stress is the cause of at least 95% of all illnesses and diseases. With that kind of percentage, you might as well consider stress an illness unto itself,...
Good Lung Exercise
https://youtu.be/6AWroOnkCdk Can Emotions Cause Disease? Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the principle that mental and physical well-being are both intricately interwoven. Your emotions and physical health are intimately linked. The current emotional...
The Best Place To Do Tai Chi
https://youtu.be/LUtZeOUTXMQ The Powerful Health Benefits Of Spending Time Outside While doing Tai Chi Do you want to take a break from the rush of your daily life? Tired of spending too much time indoors? Most of us take a walk outside simply because it is good for...
Practice Breathing And Promote Healing
What is perhaps more powerful than your mind and has more power over your body?
How to Remain Calm and Quiet in a Disruptive, Disorderly World
Have you ever admired the person who is capable of remaining level-headed, who is poised, unaffected by disruptive outside forces, or by disorderly human beings in a world where we all get excited or upset by the news?
How Practicing Tai Chi Leads To A Long & Amazing Life
The practice of Tai Chi movements can stimulate blood circulation, release the physical stagnation in the body, and ultimately relax the mind.
Grow Significantly In Stillness
A Way To Attain Inner Satisfaction And Live In Harmony.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to tune out your surroundings and have access to your full capabilities at any time, in any place, despite any, and every difficulty?
Breathing Down To Your Bone
Avoid Build-up Of Tension And Energy Blockages In Your Body