When part of your body is ill or hurt, it is said that the Chi is stagnant in that area or your Chi is blocked. Sending your energy into these problem areas typically releases the blockage and gets the Chi flowing through the area. The flow of Chi regenerates the damaged area in your body, making you feel better.
Energy blocks can also manifest in your body due to stress, fear and negative thinking. It does not just happen through illness. But, they all lead to dis-ease. That is why it is important to keep the ebb and flow of energy moving at a high vibration. Take some time to clear the energy blocks so the energy can flow again.
Moving your body is a great way to get your energy flowing again. Tai Chi is very good as it focuses on moving stagnant energy through and out of your body.
You can unblock stagnant Chi with Tai Chi movements to:
1. Relieve your back problems.
2. Alleviate all types of chronic and nerve pain.
3. Prevent heart attacks through the continuous movement of your shoulder blades in the Tai Chi practice.
So let’s do some quick movements.
1. Spread out your arms, open your chest and inhale.
2. Exhale, close your arms and sink your energy down to your feet.
3. Repeat movement by inhaling and opening your chest, then exhaling, closing your chest.
As you do this, you’re moving your shoulder blades front and back and moving your clavicles too. You may feel a soothing sensation in and around your heart area. You feel your chest beginning to clear up. This is calming and comforting. You are giving your body some relief.
Tai Chi has many techniques to release stagnant Chi, but how do you know your Chi is stagnant?
Do you notice an area of your body or mind that feels stiffer? Are you feeling sluggish?
Do you feel more tense than usual in a certain area of your body?
You may sense something in a joint, muscle, inside your belly, or even feel a headache. You may feel angry, or perhaps frustrated or sad. The pain gradually builds over time. You may notice it while you’re doing Tai Chi movements and in your form.
Tai Chi makes you more aware of what’s happening inside your body. By doing Tai Chi, your stagnant Chi is working its way out of your system. The pain or discomfort gradually goes away as you move freely in Tai Chi. The release of stagnant Chi can happen suddenly, or it can happen gradually, depending on your situation. After doing Tai Chi your state of ease can be quite apparent.
When the blockages are cleared, affected areas feel more alive and light. You may feel a sense of airiness. More blood flows to the blockage and clears the blockage making you feel more vibrant.
You can have stagnant Chi when you are interacting with your mobile devices. For example, we spend a lot of time on our phones or tablets by looking down at them. We bend our necks for long periods of time, causing some neck pain and discomfort. Stagnant Chi is pooling and gaining ground on your body, especially from C1 through C7 vertebrae. This can affect your mood and cause misalignment of your neck. It affects your brain and you may feel foggy.
One way of alleviating this problem and making the stagnant Chi dissolve is to move your neck every so often around in circles by engaging each vertebra from C1 down to C7. You’ll find that the pain gradually goes away. If you do it often enough and correctly, it can go away very quickly.
When you release stagnant Chi in your neck and shoulders, you feel aliveness. You alleviate pain through your spine, right down to your fingertips.
Let’s say you feel stuck. Or your mind is always preoccupied. You’re thinking the same thoughts. Perhaps you’re not able to let go of the negative mood you’re in. This is an example of stagnant Chi residing in your brain or head.

To release stagnant Chi in your brain, you have to do the following:
1. Notice one or more of the vertebrae is locked up. Maybe it’s C1 to C2, or maybe it’s further down your spine around C7. Work your way down the spine and gently lift up each vertebra until the bone separates one by one. Your skull lifts off slightly from your neck. You feel your skull slightly come off your spine. This makes your neck feel comfortable. It may feel light, and this helps you raise your Chi energy to the top of the head by increasing blood flow to the brain.
2. Keep your spine slightly elongated as your head is lifted. While lifting your head, sink your chi down from your head, through your throat, down your chest, and into your belly. Do this by releasing your hips, bending the knees, getting grounded and rooted into the floor or the earth. Exhale and let everything fall into your feet.
You’ve effectively moved your stagnant Chi from your head. The energy flows down to your belly. This is where your energy starts to accumulate and fill up in your body.
Let’s do another Tai Chi exercise:
Start by turning one foot 45 degrees. Step forward with the other foot. Shift your weight back from the front foot to the back foot. Shift the weight from back to front. Bring your arms up. As you come forward, bring your arms forward. As you go back, shift the weight, open your arms out.
Continue to shift your weight. Move your clavicles, move your shoulder blades, open the chest and exhale and concentrate on your breathing. As you shift the weight back and forth, your shoulders respond to the movement. Your motions are set by the shifting of your weight.
As you get better at this, take a step back with the other leg. Step forward and shift your weight front to back on the other side.
Exhale, close. Inhale, open.
Open your chest, shift the weight and move your arms accordingly. Shift the weight forward.
Bring your arms forward out in front of you, and then shift the way back.
Open your arms out. Exhale from time to time.
Tai Chi movements can generate more energy for your body.
What are some other ways to unblock your Chi, to balance your Chi and get in the flow of being alive?
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